Event Details

“All that Glitters” brings the people and places of the California Gold Rush into sharper focus. It explodes the myths and legends of the famous “49ers” and takes you on a fast and fun ride from before the California gold strike to the present day. Sometimes sad, sometimes humorous, and always compelling, this show informs while it entertains. Join us and see who went bust, who got rich, where the gold can be found today, and how to know if that old gold coin in the hidden drawer is worth real money.

Your presenter: Former KCRA-TV journalist Bill George specializes in explaining history in pictures and sound. He has produced six documentaries on California History, including the story of building the First Transcontinental Railroad. He also produced a film on California’s Chinese pioneers and a multi-part series on the history of California agriculture. His films have been shown to hundreds of civic, school and historical groups and are shown on PBS.

This will be a Zoom-powered, Sacramento Room-facilitated program. Credentials are below.

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Meeting ID: 920 1292 0251

Passcode: gold